Policies, Terms and Conditions
Please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions at all, please contact us.
The executive
The Principal Instructor (PI) is Peter Zarb and the Business Manager (BM) is Stephanie Raven. Karate Community (KC) is run by an Executive Committee (‘the ‘Executive’) made up of the PI, BM and any persons the PI and BM deems appropriate to assist in the running of KC.
Mode of operations
To ensure KC develops a standard of excellence, all coaches, participants and stakeholders should:
Always abide by the club’s T&Cs, Code of Conduct, Policies, Basic Rules and Etiquette
Appreciate and be knowledgeable about the history of our combat art
Teach and learn with professionalism, care and understanding
Develop KC students to a high standard and maintain our training syllabus
Operate under the KC grading system and respect seniority and experience
Accommodate the individual abilities and needs of students
Continue to develop ourselves to have a wider appreciation of budo for the benefit of all KC students
Work together and accept responsibility to make KC outstanding in the presentation of our combat art
Endeavour to develop in a positive manner through karate study and make positive contributions to society.
Disciplinary action
Disciplinary action may be taken by the Executive in the event that a participant or stakeholder:
Fails to abide by the club’s T&Cs, Code of Conduct, Dojo Oath, Basic Rules and Etiquette
Brings the name of KC into disrepute
Undertakes in gross misconduct
Uses KC teachings to intentionally or excessively hurt other persons
Establishes, runs or consults to business on KC techniques without prior approval of the Executive
Diverges from the approved syllabus without prior approval from the Executive
Shows insufficient regard for rank or seniority in KC
The Executive carefully considers the matter referred and takes disciplinary action, if appropriate. Disciplinary action may be in the form of a warning, time-out, penalty, suspension or termination of membership/rank. The student referred in this situation has the right to appeal for further consultation with the Executive, if deemed appropriate.
Code of Conduct
The KC Code of Conduct has been developed to safeguard the rights and to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of all its members, be they students, instructors, administrators or the many volunteers who assist KC in so many ways. KC is committed to ensuring that every individual is treated fairly without prejudice to gender, race, colour, or beliefs religious or otherwise.
KC requires every individual bound by this policy to:
Be ethical, fair and honest in all their dealings with other people and KC
Treat all persons with respect and courtesy and have proper regard for their dignity, rights and obligations
Always place the safety and welfare of children above other considerations
Comply with all KC T&C’s, rules and policies
Operate within the rules and spirit of Martial Arts
Comply with all relevant Australian laws (Federal and State), particularly anti-discrimination and child protection laws
Be responsible and accountable for their conduct
Abide by the KC relevant Role-Specific Codes of Conduct
Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
As a parent or guardian of a student or participant at KC, or at any activity or event in which KC is represented, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others
Remember that your child participates in sport for their own enjoyment, not yours
Focus on your child’s efforts and performance, rather than winning or losing
Never ridicule or yell at your child or other children for making mistakes or losing a competition
Show appreciation for good performances and skilful plays by all participants (including opposing competitors)
Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility especially when dealing with or in the vicinity of persons under 18 years of age, as your words and actions are an example
Respect officials’ decisions and teach your children to do likewise
Do not physically or verbally abuse or harass anyone associated with the sport (student, coach, referee, administrators, and so forth)
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion
Be a positive role model
Understand that the repercussions of breaching this code of behaviour may be suspension or removal from KC
Follow the KC Code of Conduct
Instructor’s Code of Ethics
As a traditional karate instructor, I will:
Follow the ethics of traditional karatedo and kobudo
Continue to grow myself as an instructor and continue to develop within accepted industry best practice
Ensure the safety and well-being of my students at all times
Ensure all lessons are planned and delivered within an acceptable framework
Uphold good conduct and safety standards at all time
Ensure students are aware of the associated risk of traditional karatedo and kobudo practice
Support each student in their endeavours, and deliver an individual journey through group training, and respect each person for their individuality
Ensure the principles of child protection and anti-discrimination and harassment are upheld at all times, and do not allow harassment, discrimination, bullying, victimisation, harmful behaviour or the endangerment of students
Do not instruct under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or anything that may impair judgement
Child Safeguarding policy
All children who are a part of KC have a right to feel and be safe, be happy and have a voice. The welfare of the children in our care will always be our first priority and KC has a zero tolerance for child abuse. KC aims to create a child-safe and child friendly environment where children feel safe and have fun and all activities are always carried out in the best interests of the children. KC encourages children to express their views about their safety. We listen to their suggestions, especially on matters that directly affect them. We actively encourage all children who train or are involved at KC to ‘have a say’ about things that are important to them. We teach children about what they can do if they feel unsafe. We listen to and act on any concerns children, or their parents, raise with us.
All KC staff and volunteers are responsible for promoting the safety and wellbeing of children and young people by:
Adhering to our Child Safe Policy, this Code of Conduct and all other policies.
Taking all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse
Treating everyone with respect, including listening to and valuing their ideas and opinions
Welcoming all children and their families and carers; by being inclusive
Respecting cultural, religious and political differences and acting in a culturally sensitive way, particularly when interacting with children who are Aboriginal or otherwise culturally or linguistically diverse and those with a disability
Modelling appropriate adult behaviour
Listening to children and responding to them appropriately
Reporting and acting on any breaches of this Code of Conduct, complaints or concerns appropriately treating them seriously, with respect and in a timely manner.
Complying with our guidelines on physical contact with children
Working with children in an open and transparent way – other adults should always know about the work you are doing with children
Respecting the privacy of children and their families, and only disclosing information to people who have a need to know
KC complies with Anti-Discrimination legislation and ensures instructors undergo training through the AusSport endorsed PBTR – Child Protection training.
Additionally, during pick-up and drop-off parents must be visually sighted before children will be allowed to exit the dojo. The instructors and staff reserve the right to determine whether children are safe to exit the dojo and move to a vehicle. Parents/guardians or those picking-up and dropping-off children are asked to do so with the safety of our community in mind, and in compliance with all road rules.
Terms and conditions
All participants must book and attend a trial class in advance of membership. Our trial classes exist to ensure not only the participant enjoys the program ahead of commitment, but also that they are capable of engaging positively in a group training setting. Participation in a trial class does not automatically qualify the participant for membership. Membership acceptance is at the discretion of the Executive.
Your first trial class is free if you decide not to enrol. If additional trial classes are required, they are charged at $20 per class unless alternate arrangements have been negotiated. Should the participant decide to enrol, this fee will credit into term fees.
Please see Prices, Payment Terms and Conditions for more information on fees.
There is strictly no drugs and alcohol to be consumed in or around the training hall. All students are to have a zero ABV to attend classes. Those suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be asked to leave the training hall and may be considered for Disciplinary Action.
There is strictly no smoking - this includes vaping - in or around the training hall.
Unwell participants or stakeholders should not attend class. Physical exercise while unwell is not recommended and will delay recovery. Karate is a close-quartered combat system and cross contamination is easily spread to others. If a student presents to class with symptoms of cold or flu, e.g. coughing, runny nose, etc., they may be excluded from activities or asked to leave.
All injuries occurring while training in the training hall must be reported to your sensei and recorded in the Incident Diary. All injuries occurring outside the training hall must be reported to your sensei for training consideration and adaptation. All broken skin injuries must be covered to avoid cross contamination. Training with an injury is at your sensei’s discretion.
Karate Community classes have participant limits to ensure maximum student engagement and safety. If class sizes have reached their maximum, you can nominate to go onto a wait list. Current members get priority placement in classes. To find our more about our minimum and maximum numbers, feel free to contact our business manager.
All students under 18 must be dropped off and picked up by a registered guardian from inside the training hall (unless prior arrangements made).
Participants must be promptly collected at the end of their class by their parent or registered guardian (unless prior arrangements made).
Students should be punctual to training, arriving before class begins - a diligent student should already be training before the formal class begins. If you are late, please approach the front of the class, attract the attention of your Sensei with a polite greeting and await your instructor’s invitation to join the class.
Spectators are encouraged to stay and watch quietly to avoid causing distractions to participants. Spectators who voluntarily disrupt (e.g. socialising loudly) or involuntarily disrupt (e.g. participant engaging spectator rather than class) sessions may be asked to relocate for the benefit of the class and participants.
An approved* white karate uniform and KC badge will be required for training. Your karate uniform must be kept clean, tidy and free of stains and creases.
Shoes will not be required while training. Should you require special footwear for training, please consult your sensei for appropriate options.
Students should always maintain a high standard of personal hygiene - be conscious of body odour, bad breath, smelly or dirty uniforms. Karate is a close-contact activity and is important to be considerate of those around you.
Fingernails and toenails must be short for safety.
Long hair should be tied back to avoid affecting your vision.
The wearing of jewellery is not permitted during class for participant safety.
Participants should be cautious and respectful of others feelings when practicing with a partner or in a group. Our training hall is a cooperative environment and bullying or harassment of any type will not be tolerated.
Students are advised not to eat too much before class commences, and visit the toilet before the session to avoid interruption of the class.
Turn off mobile phones while training except under special circumstances.
The training hall should be kept clean and tidy. Your belongings and any rubbish should be taken with you.
Our club enjoys the benefits of training outside where possible. Students should pack a hat in their karate bags. We will provide sunscreen. See sun safety policy.
*Approved uniforms - If attending with a second hand unform or uniform from a previous martial art experience, ensure it is:
a clean white karate training uniform [not a judo, taekwondo, bjj etc... uniform].
free from any branding or patches from other martial arts organisations. We can provide an iron on badge.
still fitting comfortably - sleeve above the wrist, pant above the ankle, jacket length to approximately mid- thigh.
approved by KC Executives. KC executives reserves the right to refuse unapproved uniforms.
Legal Release
To: the Martial Arts Club referred to below (hereinafter referred to as “The Club”). I, The person referred to in the Schedule (hereinafter referred to as the “Student”) and I, the person referred to in the schedule (hereinafter referred to as the “parent”) acknowledge that the student intends to undergo or is thus undergoing a course of instruction with The Club in the method of Karate AND IN THE CONSIDERATION of such Martial Arts Club accepting the student as a student and providing the student with the said instruction in Karate addition to any fee which may be paid therefore, the student HEREBY RELEASES and the parent HEREBY RELEASES and forever discharges The Club and Head Licensor from the time being in Australia and New Zealand of the methods of Karate from all actions, proceedings, claims or demands whatsoever description or nature which the student or any person entitled to claim through the student or any Statute or otherwise may have or claim to have or which may be brought against the said Club or head licensor in respect to any bodily injury or damage which shall be sustained by the student whilst undergoing the said course of instruction whether such injury has been caused by negligence or otherwise or by any deficiency in the said methods of Karate or by fellow student whilst undergoing or engaged in the said course of instruction.
Acknowledgement of use of image
I, the undersigned person hereby acknowledge
The Photographs and other images described below (“the images”) have been taken for Karate Community
The images will be deposited by Karate Community in its ‘image library’
The images will be used by or for Karate Community:
In print publications, on the world wide web, and for promotional purposes; and
For the purposes related to the activities, programs and services of Karate Community.
Personal Information will be managed in accordance with the Personal Information Act 2004 and may be accessed by the individual to whom it relates on the request of Karate Community.
The focus of Karate Community is to progressively improve technique and character through diligent training and application of key principles and concepts. Our Study Guide is a comprehensive resource outlining expectation for upgrade.
Our youth assessments are a special event where we:
Nurture students to overcome insecurities surrounding public demonstration.
Encourage students to positively recognise that it is ok to make mistakes.
Support and inspire each other.
Recognise students for hard work.
A senior grading to progress in rank is conducted retrospectively, meaning the instructor will inform you of rank achieved as you achieve it.
For grading students must ensure they are:
at the appropriate standard for the desired rank
holders of a current membership
up to date with all fees including tuition and grading
aware of the required syllabus
wearing an approved dogi
aware of appropriate etiquette.
Maintaining rank
The Executive reserves the right to:
award all ranks to students in the Karate Community system
suspend or demote the rank of students in the Karate Community system
consider changes in ranks.
Students who fail to train for greater than 3 months consecutively may have their rank suspended unless prior approval is received from the Executive.
Students wishing to take leave from training for a period of 3 months or more, or returning to training after a prolonged absence, are required to make an appropriate submission to the Executive for reinstatement of rank prior to returning to training. Until the appropriate standard is demonstrated to the Executive, it is customary to wear a white belt.
If the new member has come from an external school or system, the expectation is they will wear a white belt and white uniform clear of any other affiliations.
No two schools of karate are the same – upgrade competencies may differ among kyu and dan grades. This custom is not a demotion, but an expression of humility and Shoshin – the ‘beginners mind’. The Executive will consider submissions for accelerated pathways. Upon assessing the member, an advanced development plan will be approved.
The application of force and the law
In Australia, the law permits a person to use reasonable force to physically defend themselves, another person or their property.
The justification of self-defence requires the person to have-
acted in a way that was reasonable in the circumstances
the defensive conduct is proportional to the threat faced.
Reasonable is defined as what the average person would deem appropriate if they were in the same circumstances. Proportionate means ‘equal or equivalent to’ and relates to the circumstances and the threat faced.
Karate is a highly effective form of self-defence when practiced correctly. Therefore, it must be balanced with self-discipline, sound judgment and moral integrity.
Karate Community is committed to helping students develop self-discipline and responsibility. It must be acknowledged that you, the student, are responsible for your choices, actions and consequences.
Student participation strategy - Social inclusion In karate
This strategy is to ensure a positive student experience pathway for all participants. These processes outline steps to ensure that all students will receive a fair opportunity to participate in, and get the most out of, our program.
Defining “participation difficulties” includes:
struggling to stay focused or engaged in class
directly or indirectly disrupting the learning experience of others
do not or are unable to follow general instructions
expressing themselves with unwelcomed physical contact
communicating negatively towards others
displays antisocial behaviours e.g. - bullying and harassment.
This processes helps address these behaviours to benefit the individual and the group to maintain a harmonious learning environment .
It is our aim to be positive role models and guide young people in the physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits of karate-do.
Some individuals may find group-training in a combat art extremely challenging for a number of reasons, and therefore may require specialised guidance, private tuition or deferral of training until more focussed.
When a student is displaying participation difficulties, students and parents will be communicated with openly and honestly.
Below outlines our hierarchy of communication that our coaches will follow. These processes are active during trial and general classes.
1) Verbal communication
Understanding why the participant is displaying these behaviours is important. Without judgement, ask the student and parent why they might be behaving this way. Use active listening and empathy. Explain how this could be impacting other participants.
2) Verbal warning
Provide an official warning outlining why they are receiving the warning, and the possible outcomes.
3) Separation, meditation and reintegration
Separate the student from the class. Ask them to meditate for an agreed time. Meditation empowers the student to reset, reflect and use the time as an opportunity to consider the values of our karate club.
After the prescribed time, invite them to return to the activities.
4) Separation, mediation and reintegration
Separate the student from the class. Create a dialogue between the student and parent/guardian. Express your professional observations and agree on goals. Once in agreement, the student can return to the class.
5) Separation, private education and reintegration
If the student breaks the agreement, the party will be offered two options:
to participate in a one-on-one private program to aid in preparing them for the general classes
defer training
6) Deferral x weeks
After exhausting the previous steps, advise the decision to defer training until they are more prepared for the group training environment.
7) Deferral x months
If the student has previously been deferred, agree on a new length of time for this current deferral.
Sun safety and extreme heat policy
We care about your wellbeing and recognise the dangers involved with physical exercise in extreme heat conditions. Many unions, sporting groups and businesses abandon working in temperatures above 37.5 degrees, and justifiably so. Children are one of the top 3 groups most likely to be affected by extreme heat. It is our duty of care and mission to keep all our members healthy and happy.
We would like to provide our participants an alternative to cancelling our programs by offering “extreme heat” activities. These “Defeat the Heat” activities will supersede normal classes on very hot days and present non-aerobic karate activities. This might include martial arts theory, artisan alternatives, soft flow drills, and light partner and group activities. In the event we need to cancel a class due to extreme weather conditions, you will be contacted, and alternatives will be presented where possible.
On days with temperatures more than 35 degrees we will:
Encourage participants to drink plenty of water and have many rehydration breaks.
Stay inside with air conditioner or fan on if available, close windows, shut curtains and blinds.
Provide cold packs, water sprays and wet towels for everyone to cool down.
It is important that students feel comfortable communicating how they are feeling, especially when it comes to heat related conditions.
There are several ways you can manage heat while training:
Roll up your sleeves and pants, or better still, hem them up to long shorts and elbow length t- shirt.
Karate uniforms are light coloured and loose-fitting. You can bring along or wear underneath your uniform a loose singlet, tank top or t-shirt, in plain white. This way you can train without your dogi top. Tight fitted clothes are not recommended.
Take a break. It is ok to stop, just let us know. Join in as soon as you feel better.
Always bring a water bottle to class.
Dangers of training in extreme heat
There are 3 major dangers to training in high temperatures-
Heat exhaustion and heatstroke
Prices, payment terms and conditions
Karate Term Classes mirror the Queensland school term. These average 10 weeks. In the event they are more or less, invoices will be adjusted accordingly.
Public Holidays can affect the training schedule and members will receive notifications of any class disruptions. If a public holiday falls on a training day, classes may still be offered, or term costs will be reduced. Please refer to the next page for term dates and public holidays.
Classes will be held each week and members are responsible for their attendance.
All invoices are to be paid on time and in advance of training. Failure to meet invoice settlement dates in a timely manner may result in exclusion from training until reconciled.
Without special circumstances, and prior approval from the Executive in writing, refunds or discounts on training costs for absence will not be considered.