Upgrades term 3 2023
What are Upgrade tests?
The focus of Karate Community is to progressively improve technique and character through diligent training and application of key principles and concepts.
Upgrade Tests are a great way to review, recognise and reward students. They help students develop emotional resilience, goal setting and working towards achieving milestones while overcoming fear and anxiety. They also:
Nurture students to overcome insecurities surrounding public demonstration.
Encourage students to positively recognise that it is ok to make mistakes and use them as learning experiences.
Support and inspire each other to succeed.
Who is invited?
Everyone! Come along and spectate or participate.
Who is getting upgraded?
We will be sending out nominations to upgrade over the coming weeks. While not everyone will be ready to be promoted, and that's ok, attending and participating in the upgrade will help prepare students for future assessments while encouraging and supporting those presenting for upgrade.
What makes this such a special occasion is the assessment of our very first Junior Black Belt, Marlika Hoy. Marlika has trained very hard over the last nine years in both Hong Kong and Australia, attending both general classes multiple times a week as well as private one-on-one tuition to help prepare herself for this amazing milestone. Her dedication and tenacity are clearly visible in her expression of karate fundamentals and forms.
Why participate if I am not getting upgraded?
How do we properly prepare ourselves for anything? Exposure and experience.
Attending our Upgrade Event as a participant is a great way to feel out what is in store without the pressures of being officially assessed. You’ll go into your grading day more confident and prepared knowing what is in store.
Upgrade Requirements.
There are three A's of assessment that all students are measured against:
Attitude: Demonstrate good character and a determination to overcome challenges.
Ability: Demonstrate competency in proportion to your assessed level.
Attendance: Turn up consistently, diligently and do the work.
If you are unsure about what is required of you for assessment, there is a PDF of our Upgrade Checklist Overview attached, or ask sensei at your next class.
How can I prepare?
Practice – a lot! In class and at home. Ask questions and seek answers. We want you to succeed.
All upgrade material needed is covered in class - but it is up to you to practice it. We have many online resources found on our private Facebook members portal and YouTube channel to help you, including: videos, pictures and documents. If you need help finding them, please contact us.
If you want to get as prepared as possible, you can book in for some Personal Training intensives with sensei Peter, either one on one or in a small group of up to 3 people [of the same upgrade level]. Contact us for prices. Limited spaces available.
Additional information.
The upgrade event will last approximately two and half hours, with morning tea provided for attendees. Normal upgrade fees will be invoiced to successful participants.
Gambatte kudasai (good luck, do your best!)
What do you need?
Students presenting for upgrade must ensure they:
are at the dojo on time
are at the appropriate standard for the desired rank
have trained the minimum prerequisite of classes
are holders of a current membership
are up to date with all fees
wear an approved full, clean, white dogi and their belt
display the appropriate etiquette
relax and have fun – you’ve got this… probably [there needs to be some pressure!]
12 year old Peter upgraded to blue belt with his father, David Zarb.